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Dental Insurance

Provided by United Concordia Companies, Inc.
Dental insurance is highly valued by employees. The AHA endorses a wide spectrum of dental insurance products, including the Concordia Choice voluntary dental insurance program. Prices for this insurance are competitive. And the plan covers a large, accessible national PPO network. Policyholder "extras" include: toll-free customer service, with an option to use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system; online access to My Dental Benefits (an inquiry system for members) and to Group Query (a real-time enrollment maintenance program available to group administrators); quality assurance programs to help ensure satisfaction, and informative communication materials.

This information is not a proposal of insurance. It briefly describes the dental plans and networks administered by United Concordia and underwritten by its licensed affiliates. Product availability varies by state.

LEARN MORE :    http://www.ucci.com

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