
The Eight Steps to Changing Patient Behavior, that Pay Off in Dollars

FAQ Sheet

Challenge: Care Continuum  

Content provided by AHA Endorsement partner: YourCareUniverse

This document provides the most critical steps to lead to optimum patient engagement.

Influencing your consumer base hinges on providing coherent, customized, relevant information. Here are few steps that lead to optimum patient engagement:

  1. Increase quality interaction between staff and patients
  2. Create positive patient experiences at every level
  3. Acquire access to greater patient data to track behavior patterns, trends and lifestyles
  4. Place customer relationship management (CRM) at the center of your communication strategy
  5. Cultivate transparency, loyalty and trust between patients and staff
  6. Facilitate your patients’ willingness to explore
  7. Utilize new health-based technologies
  8. Ensure privacy assurances and desired functionality


Revenue cycle management and successful patient adoption really do go hand in hand, and it all starts with a positive consumer interaction. YourCareUniverse has multiple solutions that can help you with all of the above and create loyal patients.