AHA Endorsement:

Credentials Verification Solutions

"Checking the requirements of hundreds – even thousands – of physicians would be a major undertaking. That’s what Verisys does for hospitals everyday, without a hitch." – Anthony Burke, President and CEO, AHA Solutions, Inc.

For hospitals to truly focus on driving quality care, they must verify that their practitioners comply with licensing board and accrediting organization requirements. Credentialing processes traditionally demand an enormous amount of time and resources, and few hospitals are equipped to handle this task efficiently, cost-effectively and with the ability to monitor data and identify when mission-critical changes occur.

Why We Endorse Credential Verification Solutions from Verisys

After a thorough review of solutions designed to address this issue, the AHA has determined that Verisys stands out for their:

  • Broad and deep databases. To ensure its data’s strength, Verisys uses only primary source data and does not buy or rely on third party data. Additionally, Verisys continually updates its data from thousands of primary sources and has been doing so since 1993. Verisys’ data sets contain historical content that can no longer be found through an OIG/SAM/State search after a period beyond which a reinstatement has been issued or data is purged.
  • Proven solutions. Verisys’ Credentials Verification Solutions are provided to clients based on their specific requirements, and meet or exceed standards set by The Joint Commission, DNV and Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP). They help hospitals avoid compliance penalties, minimize risk, preserve reputation and prevent fraud.
  • Extremely rapid credentials verification turnaround. Verisys can reduce the time from starting an application, through primary source verification to credentialing, by as much as 75%.
  • Strong standing in the health care industry. Verisys has dual certifications as a Credentials Verification Organization (CVO) through its Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) accreditation and its National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) certification.

Among Verisys’ solutions is CheckMedic®, a Web-based platform that first verifies and then manages the credentials of physicians and other health care providers through on-boarding and employment/affiliation.

Practitioners create a web-based MedPass©, a complete Joint Commission, DNV, HFAP, NCQA and URAC compliant electronic credentialing profile that can be updated by the practitioner as needed. Once the MedPass is completed, CheckMedic first primary source verifies the information entered by the health care provider and then continuously monitors any credentialing data and expirables that can change over time, such as licensure or sanctions.

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