Put the Right Providers Right to Work with Streamlined, Accurate Credentialing

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To ensure high-quality delivery of care, hospitals must verify that their practitioners comply with licensing board and accrediting organization requirements. Credentialing is becoming even more critical as the health care field transforms from a payment system that has reimbursed for procedures performed to one that focuses on driving quality care.

Credentialing processes traditionally demand an enormous amount of time and resources, and hospitals can be challenged to handle this task efficiently, cost-effectively and with the ability to monitor data and identify when mission-critical changes occur.

That’s where Verisys comes in. Verisys streamlines and automates the credentialing and verification process so the right practitioners can get right to work — benefiting hospitals, providers and patients. Credentials Verification Solutions from Verisys are exclusively endorsed by the American Hospital Association.

Among Verisys’ solutions is CheckMedic®, a Web-based platform that shifts credentials management from hospitals to individual practitioners. This transfer simplifies application processes for practitioners as it minimizes hospitals’ administrative time and costs. CheckMedic first verifies and then continuously monitors any credentialing data that can change over time, such as licensure or sanctions, as practitioners move from onboarding to employment or affiliation.

In fact, CheckMedic helps to accelerate physician recruitment and onboarding thanks to its extremely rapid credentials verification turnaround. It can reduce the time between the start of an application through primary source verification and credentialing by as much as 75 percent.

The AHA has determined that Credential Verification Solutions from Verisys stand out in part for their broad and deep databases. To ensure its data’s strength, Verisys uses only primary source data and does not buy or rely on third-party data. It continually updates its data from thousands of primary sources and has been doing so since 1992. Verisys’ data sets contain historical content that can no longer be found through an OIG/SAM/State search after a period beyond which a reinstatement has been issued or data is purged. In addition, Verisys captures board meeting minutes, so instead of waiting for final board orders (which can take months), your organization can be informed of pending actions much earlier.

What’s more, Verisys meets and exceeds standards for primary source verification set by The Joint Commission, CMS, and DNV. Verisys is NCQA certified and URAC accredited.

Learn how Verisys can help your organization manage current medical staff, expedite onboarding of new doctors, complete the primary source credentialing process, and digitally store and manage unlimited employment documents — improving workflow and compliance while reducing overhead costs. View this three-minute video.


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