
Strategies to Boost Event Reporting


Challenge: Financial Sustainability  Care Continuum  Cultural Transformation  

Content provided by AHA Endorsement partner: RL Solutions

This ebook provides helpful advice on how to approach: Promoting your event reporting system; Educating front-line staff on how to report events; Demonstrating the importance of event reporting.

Resource thumbnailYour organization may already be equipped with a robust incident reporting solution, but are you tracking and leveraging all the information you can? This e-book will highlight the challenges found in end-user reporting and recommend strategies to improve reporting rates.

Why do low event reporting
rates matter?

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has reported that event reporting rates in hospitals are as low as 14% of all medical errors that occur; in addition, policies and procedures are rarely changed to prevent future recurrence4.

Why are events not reported?

A study published by Khalilietal in the British Medical journal determined that the primary reasons why front-line staff, such as nurses, did not report all Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) was because:

  • 21% were not aware of an existing reporting tool
  • 24% did not know how to report
  • 31% did not know the importance of reporting3.

How do we increase event reporting?

The three factors above will serve as the basis for the recommendations provided in this series. Specifically, we will outline strategies to address the following:

  1. Promoting the Event Reporting System
  2. Educating End Users on How to Report
  3. Ensuring the Importance of Reporting is Understood


Access the full e-book to learn more.