
Managed SaaS and PaaS – A Software Industry Case Study

Case Study

Challenge: Clinical Integration  

Content provided by AHA Endorsement partner: IP Services

Enterprise level management capabilities and around the clock support enabled this company to focus on their business growth.

Resource thumbnailIn 2003, Tripwire was developing ground breaking software to allow enterprise and governmental organizations additional visibility and control of their IT systems. With the launch of its software products and services, they needed a capable and proven partner that would support both their web infrastructure, and their confi guration and change control software for optimizing their own network, as well as providing server administration and management of storage networks backup and restore functions.

Tripwire’s executives recognized that they needed outside help with this project. In particular, they sought a managed services provider that not only had deep expertise in IT service management and ITSM best practices but also had a stable data center infrastructure to support their robust IT service needs. Learn how IP Services met that need and more.