
A Planning Guide for Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances


Challenge: Care Continuum  Clinical Integration  

Content provided by AHA Endorsement partner: Imprivata

This whitepaper offers guidance for hospitals that are planning for or evaluating their options for ePrescribing for controlled substances.

The Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) regulates prescriptions of controlled substances that have risks for abuse. For health care organizations that want to implement ePrescribing for all medications, the need to use manual processes for controlled substances can delay overall ePrescribing adoption.

In June of 2010, the DEA issued an interim final rule allowing electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (in Schedules II-V). Meeting the DEA requirements requires significant effort on the part of the Surescripts prescription network, software vendors for electronic medical records, ePrescribing and retail pharmacy systems, and care providers themselves. As of today, electronic prescriptions for controlled substances are still in the earliest phases of adoption. And in some states, the board of pharmacy still restricts EPCS in spite of the DEA ruling.

This paper offers guidance for health care organizations that are planning for or evaluating their options for ePrescribing for controlled substances. Much of this information is dependent on specific organizational factors such as the state you are located in, the software vendor you use, and the status of the retail pharmacies in your area.

Download the whitepaper to learn more.