
Modernizing Enterprise Content Management Improves Information Access and Quality of Care

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Cancer Treatment Centers of America® content management system helps caregivers quickly access records significantly improving patient care & workflow.

Understanding the Situation
Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) has five hospitals throughout the U.S. (in Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Tulsa) that are focused on providing an integrative care model for cancer treatment. The national hospital network treats patients from all 50 states and around the world, and attracts patients who seek individualized, innovative care they feel they can’t get anywhere else.

Due to the CTCA reputation for expertise in providing treatment for advanced or complex cancer, the hospital systems sees a larger percentage of non-analytic patients than many similar hospitals—a non-analytic patient is defined as one that has been diagnosed and/or treated at another hospital before transition to another provider, such as CTCA. Patients often arrive with years-worth of medical records for the staff to process and review, which could be challenging for the CTCA team to process quickly and efficiently.

“Sometimes we get information faxed or emailed ahead of time, but I’ve literally seen patients arrive with backpacks and boxes full of records,” said Joan Caricato, director of patient management services and the electronic health record (EHR) lead at CTCA. “All that information needs to be reviewed and indexed. It has to go through quality assurance and be workflowed to the right people. We had an integrated system, but it was still a very manual process.” CTCA identified its content management process as an area for improvement in providing a best-in-class patient experience.

The process and the software system that supported it each had several important limitations that could be upgraded so physicians could access information more quickly. The opening of the hospital in Atlanta in 2012 provided an opportunity for CTCA to build a new, more efficient process.

Download the full case study to learn how Cancer Treatment Centers of America solved for this issue employing an AHA Endorsed solution.