
Cisco Approach to Telehealth

White Paper

Challenge: Clinical Integration  

Content provided by AHA Endorsement partner: Cisco Wireless

Telehealth is a key initiative for healthcare organizations today. This white paper details the reasons many organizations look to deploy telehealth, including trends and statistics.

Any consulting company report that you read predicts an explosion of electronic visits. The common theme across all studies is that with looming physician shortages, insurance coverage expansion (associated with the US state and federal insurance exchanges) and increasing consumer demand for convenient care, telehealth will grow significantly.

Cisco also sees a large driver for telehealth with shifts in reimbursement dynamics moving from volume- to value-based reimbursement which has created a greater sense of urgency to reduce costs and maximize operational efficiency. Telehealth programs provide a great way to achieve both of those goals simultaneously.

This white paper provides details regarding defining your operating and financial strategy, planning your deployments and architecting components.