
Beyond BYOD to the Optimal Work Your Way Experience in Healthcare


Challenge: Care Continuum  Cultural Transformation  Clinical Integration  

Content provided by AHA Endorsement partner: Cisco Wireless

Learn how the viral adoption of consumer tablets forces health care CIOs to rethink their mobile technology strategies.

Tablets Transform Health Care Delivery
More and more doctors and health care professionals are integrating consumer devices into their clinical workflow and bringing smartphones and tablets into hospital networks without explicit approval of their IT department. That puts health care CIOs in catch-up mode, having to devise an appropriate strategy for their organizations.

Physicians are creating a high demand for immediate provisioning of their personal devices to allow for personalized experiences, access from anywhere, access to their personal applications, and access to the secure applications provided by the hospital, such as electronic medical records (EMR). Given the highly mobile nature of the jobs of health care providers, it is important that they have an effective way to collaborate while protecting patient privacy and data security.

With Cisco® Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solutions, health care institutions can provide layered access for doctors, administrators, patients, and visitors to fully realize the benefits of mobility while reducing security risk.