
Critical Conversations on the Changing Health Environment: Workforce Development

Highlights from an AHA-sponsored, executive-level discussion of workforce challenges driven by the transformation of care.

Health Care Workers in the Driver’s Seat

Resource thumbnailIt’s no longer a question of whether or when health care will undergo transformation. It’s here. We’re in it. And nowhere is that more evident than in the human resources departments of hospitals across the country.

The health care workforce is critical to the success of individual health care organizations as they undergo the transformations necessary to survive and thrive in a changing health care environment. As one participant put it, “Health care is people. It takes people to drive the processes that drive the outcomes that drive quality.” It will take the engagement and the involvement of staff in all capacities and on all levels to achieve the goals and promise of health care transformation.

In January 2016, the American Hospital Association (AHA) invited human resources and talent professionals to participate in a Critical Conversation about workforce challenges, opportunities and innovations in today’s health care environment. Also participating were representatives of a selection of health care solution providers whose solutions have been exclusively endorsed by the AHA. This executive summary outlines those discussions.